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JP Wayenborgh

JP Wayenborgh

1. Lukacs, Gabor: Extensive Marginalia in Old Japanese Medical Books. 250p., illus., cloth, Piribebuy, 2010.         ¥26,175

 「晴耕雨読」この有名な四字熟語はある種の日本的快楽観を表現する。非常な愛書家であるルカチ教授にとって自身の地上快楽に庭は不要で、天気の如何にかかわらず寸時も離さぬ書物で充満されているのではないだろうか? 教授は『解体新書』の手書きの注釈に関して際立った仕事を完遂された後、数年来の熟察から発生し、前書の続編として発展するより野心的な計画を実現された。それは、江戸時代の医が医書から得た知識をどのように受容したか、その調査を目的とし各種の古医書の手書きの注釈を「並列的」に研究することにあった。本書の資料は古医書8冊からなる。この数は貝原益軒が医者たちに推奨した「読むべき医書三十五部の名」から鑑みると少ない。しかしながら、この選択は妥当であったと思われる。なぜなら、これらの古医書は江戸時代の医学教養に共在している知識の3つのカテゴリーを包含しているからである。






(「序」アラン・ブリオ 日本医史学会会員より引用)

    Preface (Japanese)
    Preface (English)
    The Japanese and the Chinese chronological systems.
    Illustrations accompanying the text of the investigated books.

    1. Chen Shigong (Chin Jikko), Geka Seiso 外科正宗, “Genuine Surgery” pp. 1-59.
    2. Hua Shou, Jushikei Hakki 十四経発揮, “Elucidation of the Fourteen Meridians and Their Function”

        pp. 61-82.
    3. Tanimura Gensen, Jushikei Hakki Sho 十四経発揮鈔, “Commentary on the Elucidation of the

        Fourteen Meridians and Their Function” pp. 83-94
    4. Kagawa Gen'etsu, San Ron 産論, “Treatise of Obstetrics” pp. 95-104.
    5. Kagawa Shikei, San Ron Yoku 産論翼, “Explanation of the San Ron” pp. 105-124.
    6. Katakura Kakuryo, Sanka Hatsumo 産科発蒙, “Enlightenment in Obstetrics" pp. 125-140.
    7. Sugita Ryukei, Ganka Shinsho 眼科新書, “A New Book of Eye Diseases” pp. 141-170.
    8. Yu Tuan, Igaku Seiden 医学正傳, “Ortodox Medicine” pp. 171-175.
    9. Appendix: Imaginary meetting in a teahouse, in the neighbourhood of Kyoto, during the last years

        of the eighteenth century, of a Dutch surgeon, on his way back from Edo to Nagasaki, with a

         Japanese physician, practicing at the Imperial Court, an enthusiastic annotator of his books. pp.

    10. Selected Bibliography pp. 211-227.

    Index of Names.
    Index of the Quoted Book Titles.


2. Hirschberg, Julius: The History of Ophthalmology. 11vols. First edition in English, Bonn, 1982-1994.

                                                                                                                                                          Vols. 1-11/3d       1 Set  ¥356,807

     Vol. 1. Antiquity. 351p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1982.

     Vol. 2. The Middle Ages. The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 345p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1985.

     Vol. 3. Renaissance of Ophthalmology in the Eighteenth Century (1). 422p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1984.

     Vol. 4. Renaissance of Ophthalmology in the Eighteenth Century (2). 350p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1984.

     Vol. 5. Renaissance of Ophthalmology in the Eighteenth Century (3). First Half of the Nineteenth

          Century (1). 392p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1985.

     Vol. 6. First Half of the Nineteenth Century (2). 352p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1986.

     Vol. 7. First Half of the Nineteenth Century (3). France. 344p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1986.

     Vol. 8a. First Half of the Nineteenth Century (4). Great Britain [A]. 406p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1987.

     Vol. 8b. First Half of the Nineteenth Century (5). Great Britain [B]. Italy. 323p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1988.


     Vol. 9. The Nineteenth Century (6,7 & 8). USA, Switzerland, Belgium. 332p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1990.                  ¥27,682

     Vol.10. The Nineteenth Century (9 to 17). Netherlands, Scandinavia, Russia,Poland, Spain, Hispano America, 

                  Portugal, Brazil, Greece, Turkey, Balkan, Canada, Japan & Egypt. 347p., illus., cloth,  Bonn, 1991.         ¥27,682

     Vol.11/1a. The Reform of Ophthalmology (1). 316p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1992.                                                     ¥27,682

     Vol.11/1b. The Reform of Ophthalmology (2). 425p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1992.                                                          ¥27,682

     Vol.11/1c. The Reform of Ophthalmology (3). 426-757p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1992.                                                   ¥27,682

     Vol.11/2. Haugwitz/Optical Instruments & Blodi/Postage Stamps. 185+296p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1986.              ¥27,682

     Vol.11/3a. History of Contact Lenses. (1) Early Neutralizations of the Corneal Dioptric Power. 2003.                   ¥19,223


     Vol.11/3b. History of Contact Lenses. (2) Keratonus and the Use of Early Contact Lenses (1888-1920). 2005.    ¥20,762


     Vol.11/3c. History of Contact Lenses. (3) From Corneoscleral Shells to Corneal Contact Lenses  (1920-1970). 2014.



     Vol.11/3d. Ophthalmology in the German Speaking Countries in the 20th Century. 410p., illus., cloth,  Bonn, 1994.  




3. Hirschberg, Julius: The History of Ophthalmology. The Monographs.

    The Monographs. Vol. 1. part 1 & 2.
    Waugh, Richey L.
: The Eye and Man in Ancient Egypt.

    2vols. 778p., illus., cloth, Oostende, 1995.                                                                                                                         ¥59,797

    The Monographs. Vol. 2. part 1 & 2.
    Schett, Alfred & Keeler, Richard: The Ophthalmoscope. 

    2vols. Printed in English and German. 1996-1997.                                                                                                     Out of Print

    The Monographs. Vol. 3.
    Bartisch, George
: Ophthalmodouleia.

    First ed. in English (First ed., 1583), 273p., illus., cloth, Oostende, 1996.                                                                     ¥69,207

    The Monographs. Vol. 4. part 1 & 2.
    Magnus, Hugo
: Ophthalmology of the Ancients.

    2 vols. 478p., illus., cloth, Oostende, 1998-1999.                                                                                                              ¥50,751

    The Monographs. Vol. 5.
    Jeffries, John
: Lectures on the Diseases of the Eye. Albert, Daniel M. (ed.)Written c. 1830.

    First ed., 222p., illus., cloth, Oostende, 1998.                                                                                                                    ¥24,607

    The Monographs. Vol. 6.
    Mannis, M. & Mannis, A.:
Corneal Transplantation. A History of Profiles.

    76p., illus., cloth, Oostende, 1999.                                                                                                                                      ¥30,451

    The Monographs. Vol. 7.
    Wayenborgh, Jean-Paul
: IBBO - International Biography and Bibliography of Ophthalmologists and Vision Scientists.

    part 1 (A-K), part 2 (L-Z).

    2vols. 480+490p., illus., cloth, Oostende, 2001-2002                                                                                                       ¥30,451

    The Monographs. Vol. 8.
    Hirschberg, Julius
: The Ophthalmology of Aëtius of Amida.

    First ed. in English, 238p., illus., cloth, Oostende, 2000.                                                                                                  ¥30,451

    The Monographs. Vol. 9.
    Noorden, Gunter K. von (ed.)
: The History of Strabismology.

    305p., illus., cloth, Oostende, 2002.                                                                                                                                    ¥27,682

    The Monographs. Vol. 10.
: History of Ophthalmology in Japan.

    450p., illus., cloth, Oostende, 2004.                                                                                                                                    ¥29,989

    The Monographs. Vol. 11.
    Daza de Valdes, Benito
: The Use of Eyeglasses.

    296pp.,illus.,Oostende,2004.                                                                                                                                               ¥27,682

    The Monographs. Vol. 12.
    Lanthony, Philippe
: Art and 

    227p.,illu.,London/Ontario,2009.                                                                                                                                        ¥19,223


    The Monographs. Vol. 13. A+B

    Galst, J. M. & P. Van Alfen: Ophthalmologia Optica & Vision in Nummis.

    561p., richly illustrated in full color. 2013.                                                                                                                         ¥43,831


    The Monographs. Vol. 14.

    Lanthony, P.: The History of Color Blindness.

    120p., many full color illustrations. 2013.                                                                                                                          ¥19,992


  4. Vogt, Alfret: Textbook and Atlas of Slit Lamp Microscopy of the Living Eye. 3vols.

      Vol.1. Principles and Methods Cornea and Anterior Chamber.

      Vol.2. Lens and Zonule.

      Vol.3. Iris, Vitreous Body, Conjunctiva.

      270+422+287p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1978,1979,1981.                                                                                                  ¥124,575 


  5. Poulet, W.: Atlas historique des lunettes et des lentilles de contact (vol.1). Les lunettes à travers cinq siècles d'art. 

      Vol. 1 & 2.

      First ed. in French, 388+505p., illus., cloth, Bonn, 1980-1982.                                                                                     ¥53,884


  6. Tonkelaar, Isolde den: Henkes, Harold E. & Leersum, Gijsbert K. van: Eye and Instrument. Nineteenth-Century 

      Ophthalmological Instruments in the Netherlands.

      301p., color illus., cloth, Amsterdam, 1996.                                                                                                                    ¥23,069 


  7. Helveston, Eugene M.: Surgical Management of Strabismus.

      5th edition. 526 pp, profusely illustrated. Oostende, 2005.                                                                                         ¥36,910


  8. Pirsig, W. & J. Willemot: Ear, Nose and Throat in Culture. Ostend, 2001.

      332p., illustrated with b/w and full colors.                                                                                                                 Out of Print


  9. Pirsig, W. & J. Willemot & N. Weir: Ear, Nose and Throat Mirrored in Medicine and Art. Ostend, 2005.

      X, 302, (12) p., illustrated in b/w and full colors.

      This book won the George Davey Howell Memorial Prize (London) for the year 2005.                                          ¥16,916


10. The History of Otology. Vol. 1.

      Mudry, Albert: Adam Politzer - A Life for Otology.

      Xiv, 333p., with illustrations in  black & white and in full colors. Wayenborgh, 2010.                                              ¥21,404


11. The History of Otology. Vol. 2.

      Mudry, Albert: The History of Otology - A Tribute to Adam Politzer.

      (2) xviii, 507p., with illustrations in black and white and in full colors. Wayenborgh, 2015.                                   ¥24,640 



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