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Hideyo Noguchi


Noguchi, Hideyo & Moore, J.W.: A Demonstration of Treponema Pallidum in the Brain in Cases of General Paralysis.

In: The  Journal of Experimental Medicine. Vol. 17. pp.232-238. New York, 1913. 


Noguchi, Hideyo & Rokusaburo Kudo: The Relation of Mosquitoes and Flies to the Epidemiology of Acute Polimyelitis.
In: The Journal of Experimental Medicine. Vol. 26. pp.49-57. New York, 1917.     


Noguchi Hideyo offprint collection. (35 copies)


Flexner, Simon & Noguchi, Hideyo: The Constitution of Snake Venom and Snake Sera. From The University of Pennsylvania Medical Bulletin, November, 1902. pp.1-52.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: A Homohemolytic System for the Serum Diagnosis of Syphilis. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XXVIII, No.1, June 1, 1918. pp.43-67.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: A Study of the Protective Action of Snake Venom upon Blood Corpuscles. From The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.VII, No.2, April 25, 1905. pp.1-32.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Die quantitative Seite der Serodiagnostik der Syphilis, mit Bemerkungen über den Globulin- und natürlichen Antihammel-Ambozeptorgehalt syphilitischer Sera, sowie über die angebliche Gefahr von Auftreten des Neisser-Sachsschen Phänomens beim Verwenden des antimenschlichen Ambozeptors. Neunter Band. Sechsets Heft. 1911. Ausgegeben am 10. Juni 1911. pp.715-748.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Etiology of Oroya Fever. III. The Behavior of Bartonella Bacilliformis in Macacus Rhesus. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLIV, No.5, November 1, 1926. pp.697-713.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Etiology of Oroya Fever. IV. The Effect of Inoculation of Anthropoid Apes with Bartonella Bacilliformis. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLIV, No.5, November 1, 1926. pp.715-728.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Etiology of Oroya Fever. V. The Experimental Transmission of Bartonella Bacilliformis by Ticks (Dermacentor Andersoni). Reprinted from The Journalof Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLIV, No.5, November 1, 1926. pp.729-734.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Etiology of Oroya Fever. VI. Pathological Changes Observed in Animals Expeirimentally Infected with Bartonella Bacilliformis. Reprinted from The Journalof Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLV, No.3, March 1, 1927. pp.437-454.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Etiology of Oroya Fever. VII. The Response of the Skin of Macacus Rhesus and Anthropoid Apes to Inoculation with Bartonella Bacilliformis. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLV, No.3, March 1, 1927. pp.455-463.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Etiology of Oroya Fever. VIII. The Experiments on Cross-Immunity between Oroya Fever and Verruga Peruana. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLV, No.5, May 1, 1927. pp.781-786.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Etiology of Oroya Fever. IX. Bacterium Peruvianum, N. Sp., A Secondary Invader of the Lesions of Verruga Peruana. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLVII, No.1, January 1, 1928. pp.165-170.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Etiology of Oroya Fever. X. Comparative Studies of Different Strains of Bartonella Bacilliformis, with Special Reference to the Relationship between the Clinical Types of Carrion's Disease and the Virulence of the Infecting Organism. Reprinted from The Journalof Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLVII, No.2, February 1, 1928. pp.219-234.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Etiology of Oroya Fever. XI. Comparison of Bartonella Bacilliformis and Bartonella Muris. Cultivation of Bacterium Murium, N. Sp. Reprinted from The Journalof Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLVII, No.2, February 1, 1928. pp.235-743.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Etiology of Oroya Fever. XII. Influence of Malarial Infection (Plasmodium Inui?), Splenectomy, or Both, upon Experimental Carrion's Disease in Monkeys. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLVII, No.5, May 1, 1928. pp.821-827.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Etiology of Oroya Fever. XIII. Chemotherapy in Experimental Bartonella Bacilliformis Infection. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLVIII, No.5, November 1, 1928. pp.619-625.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo, et al.: Experimental Studies of Yellow Fever in Northern Brazil. Monographs of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. No. 20. August 9, 1924. pp.1-36. 5 plates.     ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Immunity Studies of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. I. Usefulness of Immune Serum in Suppressing an Impending Infection. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimantal Medicine, Vol.XXXVII, No.3, March 1, 1923. pp.383-394.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Immunity Studies of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. II. Prophylactic Inoculation in Animals. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimantal Medicine, Vol.XXXVIII, No.5, November 1, 1923. pp.605-626.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo & Kligler, I.J.: Immunology of the Peruvian Strains of Leptospira Icteroides. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XXXIII, No.2, February 1, 1921. pp.253-260.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Influence of Temperature upon the Velocity of the Complement Fixation Reaction in Syphilis. Reprinted from TheJournal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XXVIII, No.3, September 1, 1918. pp.297-303.    ¥16,200


Noguchi, Hideyo: Prophylaxis and Serum Therapy of Yellow Fever. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol.77, July 16, 1921. pp.181-185.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: The Action of Snake Venom upon Cold-Blooded Animals. Washington, U.S.A. Published by the Carnegie Institution, June, 1904. pp.1-16.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo & Bronfenbrenner, J.: The Comparative Merits of Various Complements and Amboceptors in the Serum Diagnosis of Syphilis. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XIII, No.1, 1911. pp.78-91.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: The Etiology of Verruga Peruana. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XLV, No.1, January 1, 1927. pp.175-189.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo & Bronfenbrenner, J.: The Interference of Inactive Serum and Egg-White in the Phenomenon of Complement Fixation. Reprinted from The Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol.XIII, No.1, 1911. pp.92-97.    ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: The Photodynamic Action of Eosin and Erythrosin upon Snake Venom. From The Journal of Experimantal Medicine, Vol.VIII, No.2, March 26, 1906. pp.252-267.  ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: The Thermostabile Anticomplementary Constituents of the Blood. From The Journal of Experimantal Medicine, Vol.VIII, No.6, December 21, 1906. pp.726-749.  ¥24,840


Noguchi, Hideyo: Über die chemische Inaktivierung und Regeneration der Komplemente. Sonderabdruck aus VI. Band, 2./3. Heft. Eingegangen am 9. August 1907. pp.172-184.  ¥24,840


Flexner, Simon: An Aspect of Modern Pathology. From The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, August, 1903. pp. 1-15.   ¥8,640


Flexner, Simon: The Biological Basis of Specific Therapy. Reprinted from The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol.CLXV, No.19, November 9, 1911. pp.709-714.  ¥8,640


Flexner, Simon: The Etiology of Syphilis. From The Medical News, 1905. pp. 1-28. ¥8,640


Flexner, Simon: The Local Specific Treatment of Infections, with Especial Reference to Epidemic Meningitis. Reprinted from The Edinburgh Medical Journal, May, 1912. pp.3-16. ¥8,640


Flexner, Simon: The Pathology of Lymphotoxic and Myelotoxic Intoxication. From The University of Pennsylvania Medical Bulletin, November, 1902. pp.1-23. ¥8,640


Flexner, Simon: Thrombi Composed of Agglutinated Red Blood Corpuscles. Preliminary Communication. From The University of Pennsylvania Medical Bulletin, November, 1902. pp.1-7.  ¥8,640


Mitchell, John K.; Flexner, Simon; Edsall, D.L.: A Brief Report of the Clinical, Physiological and Chemical Study of Three Cases of Family Periodic Paralysis. Reprinted from Brain, Part XCVII, Spring Number, 1902. pp.3-15.    ¥8,640

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