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1. Bell, C . : The Nervous System of the Human Body. Embracing the papers delivered to the Royale Society on

the subject of the nerves.

1st ed., 230p., 9 plates, leather, Washington, 1833.


2.   Bidloo, G . : Anatomia Humani Corporis.
Facsimile reprint of the 1685. 105 plates, cloth, Paris, 1972.


3. Bleuler, Eugen : Dementia Praecox oder die Gruppe der Schizophrenien. Handbuch der Psychiatrie.

Spezieller Teil, 4. Abtheilung, 1. Hälfte.
1st ed., 420p., Boards, Leipzig & Wien, 1911.


4. Bleuler, E .: Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie.

1st ed., 518p., Cloth, Berlin, 1916.


5. Bunnell, Sterling : Surgery of the Hand.
1st ed., 1st impression. 734 p., Cloth, Philadelphia, 1944.


6. Campbell, Willis C . : Orthopedics of Childhood.
1 st ed., 311p., Illus., Cloth, New York & London, 1927.


7. Campbell, Willis C .: A Text-Book on Orthopedic Surgery.
1st ed., 705p., Illus., Philadelphia, 1930.


8. Campbell, Willis C .: Operative Orthopedics.
1st ed., 2nd printing, 1154p., Illus., St. Louis, 1942.


9. Campbell, WR : Insulin. Its Use in the Treatment of Diabetes.
1st ed., 242p., Cloth, Baltimore, 1925.


10. Charcot, J. -M .: Leçons du Mardi à la Salpêtrière. Tome I: Policlinique 1887-1888, Tome II: Policlinique 1888-

Vol. 1 (2nd edition), Vol. 2 (1st edition). 2 vols., Cloth, Paris, 1892, 1889.


11. Charcot, J. -M .: Charcot. The Clinician, The Tuesday Lessons.
1st English ed., 193p., Boards, New York, 1987.


12. Charcot, J. -M .: Leçons sur les maladies du système nerveux faites à la Salpé trière.
2nd ed. (Tomes 1 & 2), first ed. (Tome 3), 3 vols. (427, 496, 518p.), Leather, Paris, 1875/1887.


13. Charcot, J.-M . : Lectures on the Diseases of the Nervous System. Delivered at la Sal pêtrière .
Facsimile reprint ed. Of the London 1877,1881,1889 New Sydenham Society. 3 vols. Illus., Leather,

Birmingham, 1985.


14. Clerambault, GG de : Oeuvres psychiatriques.
1st ed., 2 vols., Wrappers, Paris, 1942.


15. Dandy, WE : Benign Tumors in the Third Ventricle of the Brain.
1st ed., 171p., Cloth, Springfield & Baltimore, 1933.


16. Daremberg, Ch. (Ed.) : Oeuvres. Anatomiques, physiologiques et médicales de Gatien.
1st ed., 2vols., Cloth, Paris, 1854-1856.


17. Dejerine, J . : Anatomie des centres nerveux.
1st ed., 2 vols., Cloth, Paris, 1895-1901.


18. Dejerine, J .: Semiologie des affections du systeme nerveux.
1st ed. 1219p., Illus., Cloth, Paris, 1914.


19. DeJong, RN : The Neurological Examination Incorporating the Foundamentals of Neuroanatomy and

1st ed., 1079 p., Cloth, New York, 1950.


20. Desault, Pierre Joseph : A Treatise on Fractures, Luxations and other Affections of the Bones. Wherein His

Opinions and Practice, in Such Cases, are Stated and Exemplified. Edited by Xav [ier]. Bichat. Translated. By

Charles Caldwell with Notes and an Appendix Containing Several Late Improvements in Surgery.
1st ed. In English, 413p., 3 plate, original full leather, Philadelphia, 1805.


21. Deventer, H. van : Observations importantes sur le manuel des accouchements ...
1st French ed., 432p., 43 figs., Cloth, Paris, 1734.


22. Duhring, Louis A .: A Practical Treatise on Disease of the Skin.
3rd ed., 685p., Cloth, Philadelphia, 1882.


23. Duhring, Louis A . : Atlas of Skin Diseases.

1st ed., 76p., 36 plates, 1/2 leather, Philadelphia, 1876.


24. Duncum, BM : The Development of Inhalation Anaesthesia.
1st ed., 640p., Cloth, London etc., 1947.  


25. Ferenczi, S .: Bausteine ​​zur Psychoanalyse. I. Theroie II. Praxis.
1st ed., 2 vols., Cloth, Leipzig etc., 1927.


26. Fox, GH: Photographic Atlas of the Diseases of the Skin.

1st ed., 4th printing. 4 vols., Cloth, Philadelphia, 1905.


27. Frankl, Viktor E .: Ein Psycholog erlebt das Konzentrationslager.
1st ed., 130p., Wrappers, Wien, 1946.


28. Frankl, Viktor E .: Ein Psycholog erlebt das Konzentrationslager.
2nd ed., 130p., Wrappers, Wien, 1947.


29. Freud, S . : Das Ich und das Es.
1st ed., 77p., Boards, Leipzig, etc., 1923.


30. Freud, S .: Die Traumdeutung.

1st ed., 371p., Cloth, Leipzig & Vienna, 1900.


31. Freud, S .: Die Traumdeutung.
2nd ed., 386p., Cloth, Leipzig & Wien, 1909.


32. Freud, S . : Eine Kinderheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci.
1st ed., 71p., Wrappers, Leipzig & Wien, 1910.  


33. Freud, S. (ed.) : Internationale Zeitschrift fuer aerztliche Psychoanalyse.
1st ed., 5 vols., Boards, Leipzig & Wien, 1913-1919.


34. Freud, S . : Jenseits des Lustprinzips.
1st ed., 60p., New boards, Leipzig etc., 1920.


35. Freud, S . : Totem und Tabu.
1st ed., 149p., Wrappers, Leipzig, 1913.


36. Freud, S. & Breuer, J .: Studien über hysterie.
1st ed., 269p., Boards, Leipzig & Wien, 1895.


37. Gillies, Sir Harold Delf : Plastic Surgery of the Face: Based on Selected Cases of War Injuries of the Face,

Including Burns, with Original Illustrations.

1st ed., 408 p., Many illus., Cloth, London, 1920.


38. Gillies, Sir Harold Delf & D. Ralph Millard, Jr . : The Principles and Art of Plastic Surgery.

1st ed., 2 Vols., Many illus., Cloth, Boston & Toronto, 1957.


39. Gowers, WR : Epilepsy and other Chronic Convulsive Diseases, their Causes, Symptoms & Treatment.

1st American ed., 255p., Cloth, New York, 1885.


40. Griesinger, W . : Die Pathologie und Therapie der psychischen Krankheiten.
2nd ed., 538p., Cloth, Stuttgart, 1861.


41. Haymaker, W. (ed.) : The Founders of Neurology.One hundred and thirty-three biographical sketches.

1st ed., 479p., Illus., Cloth, Springfield, 1953.


42. Haymaker, W. & Schiller, F . : The Founders of Neurology.One hundred and forty-six biographical sketches

by eighty-nine authors.

2nd ed., 616p., Illus., Cloth, Springfield, 1970.


43. Hebra, F.: The Diseases of the Skin, including the Exanthemat.

1st ed. In English. 5 vols., Cloth, London, 1866.


44. Hecker, E .: Die Hebephrenie. Ein Beitrag zur klinischen Psychiatrie. In: Virchow's Archiv für pathologische

Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medicin, 52. Band. Vorgebunden: 51. Band. Berlin, 1871. 8º,

zeitgen. Halbleder, Rücken am oberen Kap. eingerissen, berieben, gold geprägter Rückentitel, kleines Bibl.-

Schild auf vor. Deckel, Bibl.-Stempel mit Abgabevermerk auf Titelblatt verso; VI, 570 S., 10 gef. Taf.; Insgesamt

sehr gutes Exemplar.


45. [Hippocrates] Heurne, Jan van : Hippocrates coi prolegomena, et prognosticorum libri tres; Com

paraphrastica version & Brenibus commentarüs.
1st ed., 184p., 4to, Limp vellum, Lugduni Batavorum (Leiden), 1603.


46. [Jackson, JH] Taylor, J. (ed.) : Selected Writings of John Hughlings Jackson.
1st ed., 2 vols., Cloth, London, 1931-32.


47. Janet, P .: Les médications psychologique. Etudes historiques, psychologiques et cliniques sur les méthodes

de la psychothérapie.

1st ed., 3 vols., Wrappers, Paris, 1910-1919.


48. Janet, P.: Les obsessions et la psychas thénie.
1st ed., 2vols., Cloth, Paris, 1903.


49. Janet, P . : Névroses et idées fixes.
1st ed., 2 vols., Cloth, Paris, 1898.


50. Jaspers, K .: Allgemeine Psychopathologie.

1st ed., 338p., 1/2 cloth, Berlin, 1913.


51. Joslin, Elliott : The Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.
2nd ed., 440p., Cloth, Philadelphia & New York, 1917.


52. Kanavel, Allen B .: Infections of the Hand. A Guide to the Surgical Treatment of Acute and Chronic

Suppurative Processes in the Fingers, Hand, and Forearm.
2nd ed., 463p., Cloth, Philadelphia & New York, 1914.


53. Kaposi, M.: Handatlas der Hautkrankheiten für Studirende und Ärzte.
1st ed., 3 vols., Cloth, Wien & Leipzig, 1898-1900.

54. Kaposi, M.: Pathologie und Therapie der Hautkrankheiten in Vorlesungen für praktische Ärzte und


2nd ed., 847p., Cloth, Wien & Leipzig, 1883.


55. Kappers, Ariens Cornelius U. etc . : The Comparative Anatomy of the Nervous System of Vertebrates,

including Man.
1st ed. In English. 2 vols., Cloth, New York, 1936.

56. Kolle, FS : Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery.
1st ed., 511p., Illus., Cloth, New York, 1911.


57. Kraepelin, E .: Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch für Studierende und Ärzte. Leipzig, 1887. Kl. -8 °, braune OLwd.,

goldgeprägter Titel auf Rücken und vord. Deckel; alter Namenszug auf Vortitel; XII, 540 S., einzelne

Bleistiftunterstreichungen; hervorragendes Exemplar.        

2nd ed., 540p., Cloth, Leipzig, 1887.


58. Kraepelin, E .: Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch für Studierende und Aerzte.
3rd ed., 584p., Cloth, Leipzig, 1889.


59. Kraepelin, E .: Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch für Studirende und Ärzte.
7th ed., 2 vols., Cloth, Leipzig, 1903-1904.


60. Kraepelin, E .: Psychiatrie. 4 vols.
8th ed., Cloth, Leipzig, 1909-15.


61. Krafft-Ebing, R. von : Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie auf klinische Grundlage für practische Ärzte und Studirende.

I. Die allgemeine Pathologie und Therapie des Irreseins. II. Die specielle Pathologie und Therapie des

Irreseins. III. Klinische Casuistik.
1st ed., 3 vols. In 1 (276 + 214 + 203p), halfcalf, Stuttgart, 1879-1880.


62. Kretschmer, E .: Der sensitive Beziehungswahn. Ein Beitrag zur Paranoiafrage und zur psychiatrischen


1st ed., 166p., Cloth, Berlin, 1918.


63. Kulmus, Johann Adam: Anatomische Tabellen, nebst den dazu gehörigen Anmerkungen und Kupfern,

Daraus des ganzen menschlichen Körpers Beschaffenheit und Nutzen deutlich zuersehen, ...

7th ed., 196p., Leather, Leipzig, 1764.


64. Kulmus, Johann Adam: Tabulae Anatomicae. In quibus corporis humani omniumque ejus partium structura

& usus brevissimè explicantur.
4th Latin ed., 79 p., Full leather, Amsterdam, 1744.


65. Kulmus, Johann Adam: Ontleedkundige Tafelen, Benevens de daar roe behoorende Afbeeldingen en

Aanmerkingen, ......

Reprint ed. Of Dutch edition, 1734. 249p., 28 illus., Boards, Amsterdam, 1978.


66. Langerhans, Paul : Contributions to the Microscopic Anatomy of the Pancreas [1869].
1st ed. In English (1st German ed., 1869). 39p., Boards, Baltimore, 1937.
First Account of the Islands of Langerhans.


67. Le Vay, David : A History of Orthopaedics.
1st ed., 693p., Cloth, London, 1990.


68. McCormick, JB etc . : The History of Microscope and Microscopical Technique.
1. Hooke: Micrographia. 1665.
2. Baker: The Microscope made Easy. 1769.
Wilson: Pocet Microscopes. 1706.
3. Pritchard: The Microscopic Cabinet. 1832.
4. Quekett: Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope. 1848.
5. Beck: The Achromatic Microscope. 1865.
6. Bolles Lee: The Microtomist's Vade-Mecum. 1885.
7. Bracegirdie: A History of Microtechnique. 2nd ed. 1987.
8. McCormick: 18th Century Microscopes-Synopsis of History and Workbook. 1987.
8 vols., Faux-leather, Lincolnwood, 1987.


69. McHenry, LC : Garrison's History of Neurology.
1st ed., 552p., Cloth, Springfield, 1969.


70. Millard, D. Ralph : Cleft craft. The Evolution of its Surgery.
Vol.1. The Unilateral Deformity. 810p., Illus., Cloth, Boston, 1976. First edition.
Vol.2. Bilateral and Rare Deformities. 922p., Cloth, Boston, 1977. First edition.
Vol.3. Alveolar and Palatal Deformities. 1211p., Cloth, Boston, 1980. First edition.


71. Mori, Rintaro : Japan und seine Gesundheitspflege.
1st ed., 417p., Cloth, Tokyo, 1911.


72. Naunyn, Bernard : Der Diabetes Mellitus.
1st ed., 526p., Half leather, Vienna, 1898.


73. Nelaton, Ch. & Ombrédanne, L .: La rhinoplastie.
1st ed., 438p., Boards, Paris, 1904.


74. Noorden, Carl von : Die Zuckerkrankheit und ihre Behandlung.
8th ed., 627p., Cloth, Berlin, 1927.


75. Pagel, J . : Einführung in die Geschichte der Medicin.
1st ed., 960p., Leather & cloth, Berlin, 1898.


76. Penfield, W. & Erickson, TC : Epilepsy and Cerebral Localization.A study of the mechanism, treatment and

prevention of epileptic seizures.
1st ed., 623p., Illus., Cloth, Springfield, 1941.


77. Penfield, W. & Jasper, H . : Epilepsy and the Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain.
1st ed., 896p., Illus., Cloth, Boston, 1954.


78 Pernkoph, Eduard: .Atlas of topographical and applied Human Anatomy Edited by Dr. Helmut Ferner.

Translated from German by Dr. Harry Monsen. Volume 1. Head and neck. Volume 2. Thorax, Abdomen and

2nd ed., 2 vols., Cloth, Philadelphia & London, 1963-1964.


79. Prinzhorn, Hans : Artistry of the Mentally Ill. A Contribution to the Psychology and Psychopathology of

1st edition in English, 274p., Illus., Cloth, Berlin etc., 1972.


80. Prinzhorn, Hans : Bildnerei der Geisteskranken. Ein Beiträg zur Psychologie und Psychopathologie der

2nd ed., 362p., Cloth, Berlin etc., 1968.


81. [Jacobi] Pringle, JJ : Portfolio of Dermochromes. Parts I, II, III, IV plus Supplement (1906). English Adaptation

of Text by Pringle, JJ

1st ed., 3 vols., Half-leather, London, 1903.


82. Ramon y Cajal, S .: Histologie du système nerxeux de l'homme des vertébrés.      

French ed., 2 vols., Cloth, Madrid, 1955.


83. Ramon y Cajal, S .: Histology of the Nervous System of Man and Vertebrates.
English ed., 2 vols., Boards, New York, 1995.


84. Rayer, PFO : A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Skin.

1st American ed., 449p., 40 hand colored plates, cloth, Philadeophia, 1845.


85. Renouard, PV : History of Medicine, from its Origin to the Nineteenth Century.
1st ed. In English. 719p., Cloth, Philadelphia, 1867.


86. Rorschach, Hermann : Psychodiagnostik.
1st ed., 174p. + 10 plates (4th edition, 1941), wrappers, Berlin & Leipzig, 1921.


87. Safian, Joseph : Corrective Rhinoplastic Surgery.
1st ed., 218p., Illus., Cloth, New York, 1935.


88. Schaltenbrand, Georges & Bailey, Percival: Eim führung in die Stereotaktischen Operationen mit einem

Atlas des Menschlichen Gehirns. Introduction to stereotaxis with an atlas on the human brain.

1st ed., 3 vols. (Text in both German and English & 2 atlas), cloth, Stuttgart & New York, 1959 ..


89. Schneider, Kurt : Clinical Psychopathology.
First ed. In English. 173p., Boards, New York & London, 1959.


90. Schneider, Kurt : Klinische Psychopathologie.
3rd ed., 179p., Cloth, Stuttgart, 1950.


91. Scultetus, Jahannes : Armamentarium Chirurgicum XLIII. Tabulis aeri elegantissime incisis, nec ante hac visis,

Facsimile Reprint ed. Of Ulme Suevorum, 1655 ed., Folio, 70p., 43 full-page decorative plates, cloth, Boston,



92. Sournia, J.-C . : The Illustrated History of Medicine.
1st English ed., 585p., Illus., Cloth, London, 1992.


93. Speert, H .: Iconographia Gyniatrica.A pictorial history of gynecology and obstetrics.
1st ed., 540p., Many illus., Cloth, Philadelphia, 1973.


94. Tawara, Sunao : Das Reizleitungssystem des Sangetierherzens.
Reprint of 1st edition, 1906.200p. + Tafel 10, boards, Tokyo, 1987.


95. Tawara, Sunao : Die Topographie und Histologie der Brückenfasern. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Bedeutung

der Purkinjeschen Fäden. (pp. 70-76)

Aschoff, L .: Bericht über die Untersuchung des Herrn Dr. Tawara, die "Brückenfasern" betreffend, und

Demonstration der

zugehörigen mikroskopischen Präparate (pp. 298-300).
1st ed., Pp. 65-96, 297-344, wrappers, Leipzig & Wien, 1905.


96. Tellenbach, H .: Melancholie.
2nd ed., 210p., Cloth, Berlin etc., 1974.


97. Unna, Paul G . : The Histopathology of the Diseases of the Skin.

1st ed. In English, cloth, 1205p., 42 figs, 2 plates, New York, 1896.


98. Vesalius, A.: De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem.
Facsimile Reprint ed. Of the First edition (Basel, 1543), 1/2 leather, 659p., Illus., Nieuwendijk, 1975.


99. Watson, James D . : The Double Helix. A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA.

1st ed., 226p., Cloth, New York, 1968.


100. Wernicke, C .: Grundriss der Psychiatrie in Klinischen Vorlesungen.
1st ed., 576p., Boards, Leipzig, 1900.


101. Wernicke, C .: Lehrbuch der Gehirnkrankheiten für Aerzte und Studirende.
1st ed., 3 vols. In one, cloth, Kassel, 1881-83.

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