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Album with over 100 original photographs

 1. [アルバム]  ユトレヒト市民・アカデミ―病院 写真100枚 1936-1941年頃 ユトレヒト

Album with over 100 original photographs and picture postcard all depicting the ‘‘Stads- en Academisch Ziekenhuis’’ Utrecht, ca. 1936-1941.
A lot of photographs with descriptive text at the rear. Nearly all on the school of nursery. Some rare 
photographs. Spet. 39 O.K. Chirur. afd. S.A.Z.U. Professor Lameris opereert een Struma., photograph made by Nico Jesse with his stamp.

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2. クック 「ナイティンゲールの生涯」 全2巻 初版 1913年 ロンドン刊        

Cook, Sir Edward: The Life of Florence Nightingale.

1st ed., 2vols., 507+510p., original cloth, London, 1913.

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3. ナイティンゲール 「看護覚え書」  初版 1860年 ロンドン刊

Nightingale, F.: Notes on Nursing. What it is, and what t is not.
1st ed. 79p., cloth, London, 1860. 

NIGHTINGALE, Florence.jpg

4. ナイティンゲール自筆署名入り書簡 1891年9月25日

Nightingale, F.: Autograph Letter Signed, written by Nightingale staying at Claydon House, to Mrs. George Harford Battersby, wife of the then vicar of Middle Claydon. 25 September, 1891. Single sheet, octavo (177x144 mm). Double-sided letter written in pencil on Claydon House, Winslow, Bucks headed letter paper. With an envelope, the words "Private. On Her Majesty's Service" printed in black to recto, inscribed by Harford Battersby's son in ink with the details of the letter.     

Pollard, Eliza F..JPG

5. ポラード 「ナイティンゲール—傷病兵の友」 初版 1899年 ロンドン刊

Pollard, Eliza F.: Florence Nightingale. The Wounded Soldier’s Friend. 

1st ed., 160p., original cloth, London, 1899. 

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6. リチャーズ 「リンダ・リチャーズの回想─アメリカ最初の有資格看護婦」 初版 1911年 ボストン刊

Richards, Linda: Reminiscences of Linda Richards. America's First trained Nurse.

1st ed., 121p., cloth, Boston, 1911. 

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7. ロビンソン 「白帽─看護の歴史」 初版 1946年 フィラデルフィア&ニューヨーク刊

Robinson, V.: White Caps. The Story of Nursing.

1st ed., 425p., cloth, Philadelphia & New York, 1946.

Wald, Lillian D..JPG

8. ワールド 「ヘンリー・ストリートの家」 初版 1915年 ニューヨーク刊

Wald, Lillian D.: The House on Henry Street.

1st ed., 317p., cloth, New York, 1915. 

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9. ウィントル & ウイット 「ナイティンゲールとフランシス E. ウイラード」 初版 1896年 ロンドン刊  

Wintle, W. J. & Witts, Florence: Florence Nightingale and Frances E. Eillard. The story of their times.

1st ed., 144p., London, 1896.

Wintle, W. J. & Witts, Florence.JPG

10. ウィントル 「ナイティンゲール—クリミアのヒロイン」 1928年 ロンドン刊

Wintle, W. J.: The Story of Florence Nightingale, The Heroine of the Crimea.

154p., original decorated cloth, London, 1928.

  1. Album with over 100 original photographs and picture postcard all depicting the ‘‘Stads- en Academisch

      Ziekenhuis’’ Utrecht, ca. 1936-1941.
      A lot of photographs with descriptive text at the rear. Nearly all on the school of nursery. Some rare 

      photographs. Spet. 39 O.K. Chirur. afd. S.A.Z.U. Professor Lameris opereert een Struma., photograph made by

      Nico Jesse with his stamp.   


  2. Cook, Sir Edward: The Life of Florence Nightingale.
      lst ed., 2vols., 507+510p., original cloth, London, 1913.


  3. Nightingale, F.: Notes on Nursing. What it is, and what t is not.
      1st ed. 79p., cloth, London, 1860.   


  4. Nightingale, F.: Autograph Letter Signed, written by Nightingale staying at Claydon House, to Mrs. George

      Harford Battersby, wife of the then vicar of Middle Claydon. 25 September, 1891. Single sheet, octavo (177x

      144 mm). Double-sided letter written in pencil on Claydon House, Winslow, Bucks headed letter paper. With

      an envelope, the words "Private. On Her Majesty's Service" printed in black to recto, inscribed by Harford

      Battersby's son in ink wih the details of the letter.     


  5. Pollard, Eliza F.: Florence Nightingale. The Wounded Soldier’s Friend. 
      1st ed., 160p., original cloth, London, 1899.                                                                                                                                   


  6. Richards, Linda: Reminiscences of Linda Richards. America's First trained Nurse.
      1st ed., 121p., cloth, Boston, 1911.                                                                                                                                                 

  7. Robinson, V.: White Caps. The Story of Nursing.
      1st ed., 425p., cloth, Philadelphia & New York, 1946.                                                                                                                

  8. Wald, Lillian D.: The House on Henry Street.
      1st ed., 317p., cloth, New York, 1915.                                                                                                                                    


  9. Wintle, W. J. & Witts, Florence: Florence Nightingale and Frances E. Eillard. The story of their times.

      1st ed., 144p., London, 1896.

10. Wintle, W. J.: The Story of Florence Nightingale, The Heroine of the Crimea.
      154p., original decorated cloth, London, 1928.                                                                                             



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